KJ News
Connecting Through Cultural Exchange
During a cultural exchange trip to celebrate collaboration and connections between Indigenous women ranger teams, a group of KJ Rangers from Punmu and Kunawarritji communities had an amazing opportunity to visit Mparntwe (Alice Springs).
A glimpse into the life of the elusive wiminyji (northern quoll)
While performing camera checks and maintenance during a visit to wiminyji monitoring sites, our Parnngurr Rangers were excited to find remote sensor cameras had captured images of wiminyji.
Recording Martu stories
In early March, KJ started delivering audio recorder training sessions in communities. KJ’s Country & Culture team member, Tam (aka Lunkuta) visited Kunawarritji community where rangers, community members and high school students from Rawa School all came together to learn and practice on the new recorder.
No stopping KJ rangers from looking after country and culture during COVID-19
While the communities have been locking down due to the Coronavirus the rangers teams, while practising physical distancing, have been busy caring for country, looking after elders, engaging in cultural activities and giving their workspaces a touch-up.