Kanyirninpa Jukurrpa (KJ) is about Martu and non-Martu working together. There is a broad acceptance that these principles helps keep KJ strong and ensures integrity between the mainstream and Martu world.
KJ has put in place a number of tools and measures to ensure good governance, and simultaneously, to give Martu the capacity to take more effective control of the management of the organisation.
These tools and measures include:
a senior Martu Cultural Advisor (Muuki Taylor) who has provided advice to the organisation since its formation in 2005. This role has been important in providing strong governance and leadership by Martu
the Chair of the Board meetings is rotated at every meeting between the Martu directors
KJ standard practices ensure transparency and accountability in its financial management, which has been described as exemplary by former Commonwealth minister
Directors are elected for a two-year term, with half retiring each year. This practice allows many Martu to have the opportunity to participate at Board level, and ensures a continuing knowledge of corporate history and practices
Advisory Directors provide expertise in financial management, regulatory compliance, law and prudent management advice but cannot vote, ensuring Martu have genuine control of major decisions
a summary of the Board deliberations are circulated to directors in each community in a simple, visual format to provide feedback to communities; and
a Board that invites a number of Martu elders to attend meetings and provide cultural and political advice in its deliberations.
KJ is governed by a board of 12 Martu directors and three non-voting advisory directors. Each of Martu’s five communities are represented by two directors, with a further two representing the Martu diaspora. Once appointed, all directors are provided with board induction and training, and are required to sign the Board Charter which sets out:
the roles and responsibilities of the board and individual directors
the way the board works and the relationship between the board and management; and
how the board will conduct its business and the way directors should behave in their roles.
Kanyirninpa Jukurrpa takes old people to Canberra, to Perth, to give talks to the Government, to teach them. They will listen to what the Martu are saying. When the old people and the young people speak to Government, their words will fly back home, quickly with the wind, so that the people in the communities will feel strong and proud of them.
Our Board 2024 - 2025
Luke Frank
Newman representative
Doreen Simpson
Newman representative
Terry Sailor (Warnman)
Jigalong representative
Louise Jefferies
Jigalong representative
Kieron Booth
Punmu representative
Damien Miller
Punmu representative
Norelle Barndabba
Kunawarritji representative
Braeden Atkins
Kunawarritji representative
Randall (Junior) Bullen
Other Communities Representative
Barbara Hale
Other Communities Representative
Zan King
Non-Voting Advisory Director
Parnngurr representative
Adrian Bullen
Parnngurr representative
Tony Kelly
Non-Voting Advisory Director
Peter See
Non-Voting Advisory Director