Media + Films
Connecting Through Cultural Exchange
During a cultural exchange trip to celebrate collaboration and connections between Indigenous women ranger teams, a group of KJ Rangers from Punmu and Kunawarritji communities had the amazing opportunity to visit Mparntwe (Alice Springs) to meet traditional owners and local ranger groups.
Ngurra Karti (getting Back Home Program)
Ngurra Karti (The Getting Back Home) program has enabled Martu to return back to their communities in a timely manner. The program has reduced the time Martu spend in town and therefore exposure to toxic influences which exacerbate substance abuse, violence and destructive cycles or behaviours.
Mitirlpa (Connectivity for Community: Access, Equity, Empowerment)
The Mitirlpa (Staying at Home) program aims to improve the quality of life in desert communities by enabling access to improved digital infrastructure and improved access to a range of government and commercial services and transactions. Martu live in one of the most remote places in the world and are physically removed from services and the infrastructure needed to access those supports quickly. For instance, to undertake basic transactions such as activating a new bank card, Martu often travel between 5 and 12 hours one way to the nearest town.
Wama Wangka — talking about alcohol
Most Martu and their communities have been directly affected by the consumption of alcohol. There are few resources, however, that are designed to address the unique cultural, social and linguistic challenges faced by Martu in WA’s remote Western Desert. Wama Wangka (Martu’s version of Alchoholics Anonymous) is providing an opportunity for people to talk about their experience of alcohol abuse and make plans to combat these issues themselves.
Kakarra not Yapurra
“We don’t want to send anyone to yapurra (west, to prison) and want everyone to be kakarra (east, to Martu homelands) where they can live in paradise with their ancestors.” — MLP mentor, Butler Landy
In 2017, participants from the Martu Leadership Program were involved in a three-day camp to talk about the criminal justice system. Over 100 people were present, including key law agencies, departments and organisations. Everyone was keen to explore new methods within the criminal justice system that would give better outcomes for Martu and the broader community.
Martu Leadership Program
The Martu Leadership Program (MLP) started in 2014 with men, then late 2016 with women. This short movie captures what the program means to participants. Annabell Landy says that by learning and focussing, she can be a role model for people in her community; while Clifton Girbirba explains the importance to teach white law to people, because it’s “two laws colliding”. Explore the evolution of the MLP through the stories of the Martu who have been involved.