Monitoring threatened species

The Jigalong rangers have been working around Pinpi (Durba Hills) and Kaalpi (Calvert Ranges) to conduct monitoring work on the warru (black-flanked rock wallaby) population, to search for signs of a wiminyji (northern quoll) population and to carry out mankarr (bilby) surveys.

The program is a two-part process: the team are establishing feral animal presence as well as monitoring native species. Cats and foxes, in particular, pose a threat to these vulnerable species, so recording their occurrences and distribution helps inform management plans.

Over two mornings, the tracks around Kaalpi and the Canning Stock Route adjacent to Pinpi were monitored for any signs of cats or foxes. Motion sensor cameras are then used to monitor wallaby populations, as well as check for any sign of a wiminyji population (after an animal was photographed by the cameras previously).

Stay tuned for when the rangers return to the area to carry out further monitoring work and to determine the success of the program.

With thanks…

To Dan Johanson, KJ Fire Management Officer and Leigh Sage from DBCA for their supervision with the fire burns; Remote Programs Manager Greg Williams, Community Ranger Coordinator John Wilson; and Alicia Whittington from DBCA for their help with the rock wallaby trip and Feral Pest Eradication program.


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