Celebrating our elders and KJ's anniversary

On the 15th of October, over 150 Martu gathered at Parnngurr community to celebrate and acknowledge their elders and recognise Kanyirninpa Jukurrpa’s 10 year anniversary. Martu travelled from Jigalong, Punmu, Kunawarritji, Newman, Warralong, Hedland and Bidyadanga to participate in the event.

The day was jam-packed full of activities particularly the inaugural competition for the Martu cup. Competition activities included wheel brace throwing, damper making, spear throwing, piti carrying, target shooting and tug of war. The kids engaged in lots of activities such as potato and spoon races, water balloon tosses, three-legged races, and sack races. Kunawarritji were the overall winners taking home the trophy with Jigalong coming in second and Parnngurr in third place.

In the late afternoon, Martumili rolled out a 5m x 3m collaborative painting that the artists have been working on in the community. Elders spoke about the painting and how through art and being out on country the younger generations' are continuing to look after their country, culture, and communities. Several speeches were given acknowledging the elders and the work KJ has done over the past 10 years and gifts were presented to the elders. It was a very emotional and moving tribute.

The children then performed a cultural dance with the elders singing. After a fantastic BBQ several Martu bands played wrapping up quite late in the evening.

KJ would like to thank all of Martu who came and participated in the event. A big shout out to the KJ Martu teams and staff who worked behind the scenes preparing the campsite and toilets, looking after the catering and water, ensuring there was always a hot cuppa ready to go and making sure the event was a success.

Thank you to Parnngurr Community for hosting the event, Martumili Artists and the Newman Womens Shelter for running the kids activities, Jigalong Police Pilbara District - WA Police Force for attending, Ngaarda Media for covering the event, Puntukurnu Aboriginal Medical Service for the medical support and EPIS Pilbara who were able to bring a number of elders out to Parnngurr to be part of the celebration.


Ngurra Karti - Getting Back Home Program


Sharing waru knowledge and experience