Criminal Justice Program
Martu don’t really understand the criminal justice system (CJS) and agencies in the system don’t really understand Martu. By working closely together, it is possible to generate better outcomes for all parties, including:
better relations with police
more options for the magistrate
better programs in prison; and
more opportunities once prison sentences have been served.
The first stage of the CJS program is to teach Martu about the system through an education program focused on Martu experience. This includes learning about the criminal law and the role of different agencies, running mock courts and talking with the police and magistrates.
The second stage is to teach CJS agencies about Martu, through a cultural awareness program, cultural immersion camps (see the film below), presentations on Martu concepts of crime and punishment and the broad Martu experience of the criminal law. Ideally, this process moves towards developing cultural security within those agencies.
These educational steps ground the most substantial field of work: collaboratively developing initiatives to change the way in which the CJS interacts with Martu and the levels of crime and incarceration that lead to that interaction.
Some of the initiatives that have already been developed include a:
regular education and transition program run for Martu in Roebourne Regional Prison
remote licensing scheme, based on graduated levels of extraordinary licences to support Martu employment; and
card system to help Martu understand police orders, protective bail orders and various restraining orders.
Martu are currently working with agencies to create a ‘Martu Court’ and a diversionary program that will give the magistrate the option to divert Martu away from prison to supported participation in a suite of existing programs (such as the ranger program) in dry Martu communities.