Martu Leadership Program
Martu are seeking to change their relationships with many parts of the mainstream world. They want to engage confidently and control their future. In order to facilitate this, KJ has developed the Martu Leadership Program (MLP) which has two key functions: to build understanding and to create change.
To build understanding, KJ has developed an adult education program that inspires confidence and aspiration for social change. Teaching Martu about mainstream law, structures and processes that have a high impact on Martu families and communities is vital in developing this understanding. The education program focuses on:
trust law, criminal law and process
native title law; and
employment law.
learning about corporations law
corporate finances and governance
government structures and processes
These formal MLP education activities are complemented by informal education: visits to cities, government agencies, businesses and other Indigenous communities. On these visits, Martu make presentations to a wide variety of government, private and philanthropic organisations as well as at conferences and workshop.
These visits and presentations build confidence to engage with mainstream agencies and enable Martu to teach those agencies about Martu society and perspectives, and to develop valuable partnerships.
The second is Martu-led initiatives to create that change — initiatives such as the Criminal Justice Program, the Women & Families Program and Wama Wangka: a program developed by Martu to tackle alcohol abuse and family violence.
Martu understand that learning leads to ideas for change, the design of initiatives and engagement with partners to create change. The work of the MLP will continue to enable Martu to drive these vitally needed changes in mainstream Australia’s engagement with the Martu world.
“I’m proud, happy — we can change the future for the better.”